You can create an extraordinary shot in any ordinary spot
One thing I love about winter is the snow. But I really don’t love the cold. So what do you do when you want to capture an extraordinary shot when you’re stuck in an ordinary spot.
Here’s what I did…
Lighting is a really big deal and I tried to take advantage of the directional light coming in my window while shooting my color crayons. I loved all of the color that the pencils gave, so I crushed them up a little (which was very therapeutic) and then messed around with the color chips to organize them a little bit. I had my camera 1/60 of a second at f5.6. I had my fiance hold the pencils for me so I could control my focus.
While shooting the flame I lit the candle and waited a little bit so that the flame would melt the candle wax and add a more dramatic effect. I turned out the lights and swirled the candle around gently so I would disturb the flame, but the wax moved around the candle, coating it and making it shiny. I had my camera at the same settings as before. The flame would flicker around a lot so I just pointed my candle at the camera and clicked my shutter down so I just continuously took photos, focusing on the flame.
Here are the results:
Ordinary Spot
Extraordinary Shot
Ordinary Spot
Extraordinary Shot
For some more extraordinary shots check out Roberto Valenzuela here:
Hey Page! I love your shots. They are almost like macro with all the detail. I have always wanted to get some cool fire shots. This guy did that really well.
Page! I absolutely love these shots! I especially love the crayon one, it’s so creative and I love the color. You definitely took a cool approach to this assignment so great job! Check out this National Geographic article, it also has some cool fire photography.