This month in Idaho has been so cold and snowy. Which is beautiful and great for photos but the cold is brutal! I don’t know if I’ll ever just be happy about snow because it means the cold has come too.

My friends just had their first baby and she is a cutie. So when they asked me to do a quick Christmas photo for them I was super excited. We headed over to a local park and took a few shots, shooting as fast as possible so their sweet girl wouldn’t get too cold. Less than five minutes later we were back in the warm cars and had some adorable shots!

Lesson learned from that shoot: You can get the shots SOOOO fast if you’re motivated enough! 😉


(Aah the snow! There’ something you don’t find in Phoenix photography or Ahwatukee photography! I’m definitely missing Idaho this winter.) Phoenix photographer Ahwatukee photographer

img_1615 img_16291 Family Christmas Photos

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