Easy studio lighting with only two hands
While I was on my recent photo excursion I learned a technique called Mobile Triangle Snoot. This is a technique that allows a photographer to shoot with one hand while holding their light source with the other.
While I was testing out this technique, I used a speed light and a flash bender to target my light. I held it coming from the side to shine on my subject and then I shot. My setting were at 1/160 at f.9 with an ISO of 100. This was a really great technique to learn because I can do this anywhere. If I have my settings on my camera right, then I can really shoot with just one hand. So by angling my light correctly and by paying attention to my subject and background, I can make a great photo with just my two hands.
Check out my photos and for information on the Rogue flashbenders, click here: http://rogueflash.com/collections/rogue-flashbenders
Page you are so talented! You have a way of seeing things in a different way. I’ve been learning a lot from your technique! Check out http://www.namuunzulkhuu.com/still-life-macro-photography/
Page, I LOVE the clarinet shot. It’s abstract and different than what you normally see with a clarinet shot, and it makes you stop and think. I also love how you were able to light up the bottle. It almost looks like a light painting. Very nice job! Michael Klapp also has some great stuff, you should go check out his website.