Getting Close Up and personal with flora & fauna
A few weeks ago I was able to go on a photography excursion to Victor, Idaho and Jackson, Wyoming. i had a blast and got some great shots from the trip. This post has a few examples of the great close up photography I was able to be a part of through the trip.
I was lucky enough to use a Tokina 100 mm macro lens to shoot my flora and fauna. I had a blast with it. I set up at my station with many different kinds of continuous lights and shot at ISO 200 and 1/60 at f2.8. I had to adjust my f-stop a few times to compensate for lighting but not much else changed besides that.
I have loved Macro photography ever since I learned about it and had a go at it about a year ago. It’s something that makes me look around and want to spend a lot of time talking photos and looking at them on the computer. I just love that I get to see things closer than I normally would get to, and from a different angle, especially nature.
Here are a few of my favorite photos. What do you think?
To check out some great tips for close up and macro photography, check out the Amateur Photographer.
You really got this macro photography thing down! I really like the objects you used and the angles you captured them in. You did a great job on this assignment.